Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday Moment Musings

No Dancing With The Stars. Withdrawal issues I have. I wonder if my Blue Bell Ice Cream will taste as good without Tom Bergeron's witty words between dances?

Hmm. What to do on a Monday? Where are my sequins and paso doble?


To reality, tonight was one of those wishful moments to have a man 24/7. Yep, for those really important tasks-killing ugly, gi-normous bugs and to haul the trash to the curb. It's a bit chilly outside. So to carry it from the back to the front-wasn't feeling the joy of home ownership. Plus I had an extra bag or two, since trash didn't get picked up last Friday.

Then a local, best selling author gave me feedback of one of my short stories. She liked it and said it reminded her of a particular author. THRILLED I am--even tho I had NO clue who the author she spoke of was. Ahh..the internet being all knowing and powerful gave me info and now I feel like the unknown author and have already shared coffee. So over to Half Price Books I go--nada. Then across the street to Barnes and Noble

EEKS. I looked at 10 of her more than that novels. Five of them where like the short story I sent the local, best selling author. I wanted all 5, yet 70 bucks didn't want to escape my slim to none bank account. Then I remembered--on this author's site, I could print off a few chapters for FREE.

I am glad the trash now sits on the curb. So very glad of the compliment my writing received. Yet still sad there's no Len or Bruno and no-No Lift Carrie and Dancing With the Stars.

Oh well. Let's just see how the good Blue Bell Ice Cream still tastes...*

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Short Simple Sunday For Sure

Yes, I missed the Dallas Cowboys not playing today--however we still bask in the Turkey Day win. Plus, I miss Iowa Hawkeye football until whatever bowl game they go to. Then is no Dancing With the Stars tomorrow night. Alas no more excuse to NOT mop floors and tidy up.

Oh well.

Sunday is bout done. And I'm tired. Yet the Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream in the fridge and something about a flower bloom in late November makes it all good.
I am blessed.

Sunday Inspiring Body and Spirit

I am exhausted.
Didn't think to go get My Praise on would do it to me. Yep. It was the first official service in the new Inspiring of Body of Christ Church today, with Pastor Rickie Rush. I've heard tell the church's aquarium is now part of the World's Guinness Book of Records. If it is, cool--if not--well, I'm still in awe of the stingray as it swims by.

The main thing is Pastor Rickie Rush. I've been honest to say, through the years, Pastor Rickie Rush has been quite an acquired taste for me. However today, I believe we've finally met in the middle. He's always been a man cool and collected. Words have been thrown at Pastor Rickie Rush and the church like swords. Hey, I'm adult to admit I've thrown some of those words. Yet today, I feel the emotion of getting the new House built, plus to over come the negativity and just to have the flock gathered--finally--got to the Pastor. He cried. Not just a dab here or a lone tear. He cried.

Yea, yea, yea--some folk will disagree. That is their opinion, which I do respect-as I hope they respect mine.

Church wore me out today. As I walked up the aisle to exit, I went straight to Bear, who is a Servant of the Church, and instigated a hug. Bear asked if I was OK. I was whipped. The message and the emotion made me remember nobody knows my story. They don't know what I had to go thru to get here. Bear knows some--I perhaps wanted that connection. No matter what--it's all good.

I am blessed.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

And Wrap

Drank my water.

Talked myself into NOT adopting a puppy dog. Yet got info to volunteer for the puppy dog rescue during adoption days.

Ate pumpkin pie. Now tired of pumpkin.

Pondered the thought of writing a brand new story, instead of re-visiting an already written short story. What I oughta do is sit down and just write another book.

In the meantime, I wrap up this Saturday with a big bow and send it off to memory land, for it is about done.

A good day had by all.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Friday Soft

Had to work today. Made it through. UGH. Thought it was Monday due to being off yesterday for Thanksgiving--yet happy to realize it was Friday-I made it THROUGH!

And tonight had dinner with a person I'd mentioned a few weeks ago. We once upon a time been close, yet at the time not so much. We've since talked thru stuff and opted for a new chapter to begin. Relationships grow up, down or even apart. Tonight we laughed alot. All good. Very good.

The thing is do folks risk to mingle together again and learn from each others' growth and grow anew? Or just to scared of said risk?

Cue up Joe Cocker circa 1968 who tells us how he gets a little help from his friends--I second that emotion.

I am blessed.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Single Stuffing

Happy Thanksgiving!

My day continues to be grand--and I hope yours is too!

A day to be thankful, even if more than one of your married friends ask you if you're going to be alone for the holiday. Of course, there is no harm meant. And there was a point in my singleness where I just HAD to be at homebody's house, just had to be somewhere because of whatever holiday it was. That whole thought process took a while to get over...a LONG time.

Sure, who wouldn't want to be with a special someone on a special day? Fight over a turkey leg or sigh in contentment over candied sweet potatoes? Hey, I know I'm not the only one in that choir--although--it ain't such a bad choir to be in. After spending time with folks that mean well, and you know you're gonna get a good meal and after the meal is gone-.then what? They're not your family. Not your kids that begin to fuss and not your cat that bit your ankle. Folks mean well. And you're blessed they want to share their home with you. Yet there are times an invite can be turned down--I've learned that and you still remain to be friends.
Today my 'food' started like it has every Thanksgiving Morning since 2003: get my praise on at Inspiring Body of Christ Church, with Pastor Rickie Rush. The locale today was a bit different as 2009 inches to the finish line. Today was the first ever service in the new Home--just right across the street from the old one.
The second person I hug at church was Bear. Might have surprised him, since I came right at him for the hug. After I sat down, I then wondered if I'd done the right thing--to hug him. And then I thought, "Well I can't take it back." And frankly, I didn't want to. It's Thanksgiving. Eventho Bear and I aren't the same as we were those years ago, Bear had such an impact on my life, good and/or bad--so I am thankful for him.

The new IBOC Home is gi-normous Thank YOU in itself. I wondered if some of the intimacy might be lost. I don't think I need to worry. Tears still found their way down my cheek as Vicki Winans sang of "Release," while I sat in one of the last rows of the sanctuary, where it was better to watch her on the big screen. Yes, the new Home is gonna do just fine!

Now if you will 'cuse me, pun'kin pie awaits!

I am blessed.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Eve of Giving Thanks

And I think of night before Turkey Days past when Mom and Dad stayed up for hours in the kitchen. I'd hear them laugh, talk and cook and the aromas would tickle my nose. I couldn't wait for Mom's sweet potatoes or the cranberry sauce. Those were my favorites outside of her pumpkin pie! Yep, my mom could cook. I've been told I can make a mean pie and dish of mancotti---alas, not as good as Mom's!

So I think of those nights before. In my jammies. Just waiting for our feast. I recall, as I got older, we didn't do so much the all the family come to the house, or we went to their house thing-I have pictures from those times. Maybe new traditions wanted to be started. And that was OK for me.

I liked being with my parents. To listen at them bicker and laugh. To know they loved me, even if Mom had NO problem in dishing out a spank or two! .

Just like on this Eve to Give Thanks, their spirts embrace me now-

As it should and always will be
And I give my thanks.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Donny Danced!

To win Dancing With The Stars Trophy! How cool is that? Plus, Donny sang, "Puppy Love"--a song I really did hate until Donny's voice changed! Kid you not.
I was sure of that after last night's free-style. It was Mya's trophy to lose, until the free-style. Kinda feel for her, yet not really. Kelly grew, and I admire that. I'm sure Daddy Ozzy was mush watching his baby girl grace across the floor.

But the night was for Osmonds and Osmonds only. Donny got his wife, Debbie, and her carried onto the floor. His kids. Sister Marie and who knows WHO else, surrounded them. Donny proved you can turn 52 on December 9, be a grandfather and out do two ladies that could be your daughters! Yep-it was Donny's night!

For me, to watch from the comfort of my own home. In my bed actually, under the covers in my purple jammies--instead of like yester-decade as a teenager, lingering in a service elevator-hours on end--just to catch a glimpse of an Osmond. As of tonight, I am more confident Donny ignores the AARP membership invites that turn up in the mail.

Just like I do.
Congrats to YOU, Donny!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Donny Does Dancing With the Stars

Before 1977 to Now 2009-LOVE IT!
Just give Donny Osmond the DWTS mirror trophy. He earned it.

In my opinion, Mya lost the competition during her free-style. As good of a dancer she is, I never warmed to Mya. It does make me wonder what Mya wanted to do that was so spectacular for the free-style? Wonder if she'll blame Dimitri for it? I think he had the roughest time with Mya--Dimitri should get a 10 for just that!

Nonetheless, Donny showed the young bucks how it's done. Kelly and Mya could have been his daughters--yet he hung right with them. Donny's moves why I continue to ignore membership invitations to join AARP.

Just give Donny the Dancing With the Stars Trophy. He WON it!

November 23, 1963 was Saturday

The day after America was laced with shock and sorrow due to the assassination of our president, John F. Kennedy.

I have no clue what I did on that Saturday, after all I was in kindergarten. Crayons and cartoons, plus I'm sure a cat or two had my sole attention. I was in Iowa, so far from Dallas, Texas at the time. I had yet developed my love of geography, so Dallas or Washington DC, for that matter, could have been right next to the A & W Drive-In and I wouldn't know it. I was five years old.
What I do remember of that time--and it could be the day of the assassination, since I was with my Aunt Will as she babysat me while my mom went to work in the afternoon, until my dad pick me up about 5. I asked Aunt Will if President Kennedy was in Heaven. My aunt said he was. Then how could I still see him on TV if he was in Heaven? I wish I could remember how Aunt Will explained it to me. Must have been OK, since I went on about my business.

I do remember thinking of Caroline, who was a year or so older than me. I understood Caroline wasn't going to have her daddy anymore. That sunk in. I held my daddy close. I felt sad for Caroline then.
And I still feel sad for Caroline now.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday Sum Up

The Iowa Hawkeyes won ugly 12-0. Dallas Cowboys won ugly 7-6. Yet a win is a win regardless how it looks. Still...

Today were the last services at the current location of the Inspiring Body of Christ Church, with Pastor Rickie Rush. Packed isn't even the adjective to describe how many people were there. Everybody wanted to share in the last moments of being inside. To experience the journey. Like I've said, Pastor Rickie Rush has been an acquired taste for me. And there are some things he says, I'm not 100% with, however that's when I know I have free will at my fingertips. Nonetheless, I admire Pastor Rush because it's been a struggle to get this new House built. Media has not been kind, even those that may have once been IBOC members. He weathered it all.

So on Thanksgiving morning, I will journey to the new location--right across the street--100 yards. The same distance Moses stood from the Promised Land he did not have the chance to enter. The new House looks beautiful. I've attended the Thanksgiving Service since 2003--my tradition. As I sat in service today, I wondered again why I haven't technically joined IBOC--especially since I've been in attendance every Sunday since about August? I continue to pray on that one. Yet, Pastor Rush spoke of how we have something about us that folks think make us not normal--however those very things we use to touch others.

In my case, I was born without a left ear (microtia), then becoming a motherless daughter at 13 and enduring pesky open heart surgery a few years ago. It all made sense. The things that have happened of late--even today. From folks I've known since my growing up years, who enjoy my quotes from The Word on every Sunday morning. These were folks I partied hard with back in the day--and today I smile, because we party--just in a different way. .

So I was in a pissy mood a few days ago. Nothing I can do about it. Already happened. Already done. And it was all pretty ugly--just like the two football games I DVR'd because I wasn't home--and watched in their entirety-not knowing who won or lost.

Games were ugly. Victory triumphed. Just like in Life.

I am blessed.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday Feel

It is the weekend. Am so glad. Was pretty pissed the other day.
Eased up--well, trying to anyway. One of those moments
Where you try to think of THE moment
You called yourself taking control-
Instead of to leave all your troubles in God's hands.
Kinda scarey, when I realized when I had that 'moment.'
So now as I'm at another crossroads where my trust
Needs to be in Him. I need to repeat Psalms 50:15
Am I smart enough, more so
Humble enough to admit I can't conquer on my own?
How I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired?
Life is a banquet and I refuse to starve myself.
Stay tuned.
In the meantime, I'm feeling a little Michael Jackson and Corner of the Sky...RIP MJ

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Yea, well...

I'm pissed. I admit it.
To gripe ain't gonna help.
Need to look within myself to see
What there is to see.
Prayer. Faith.
Will not paint myself with impatience.
Done that much all my life-
Yea, I'm pissed
And no Blue Bell Ice Cream in the freezer to ease....
Prayer, Faith. Will ease all true.
Ice cream awaits tomorrow.
I'm pissed. I admit it.
Yet, I remain blessed.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dance Donny Dance!

Yes indeed--Donny Osmond is the Dancing With the Stars Finals! And last night, Donny's second dance was to the Osmond Brothers' (before Donny & Marie-waaaaay before) first number one single, "One Bad Apple." Donny was draped in purple, which any Osmond fan knows was Donny's favorite color--remember his purple socks?

Donny survives to dance again against the daughter of Ozzy Osbourne and a singer who was born, in 1979, right before the original Donny and Marie variety show was cancelled for the right hoist the tacky trophy only DWTS the could pull off.

Stay tuned.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Moment Monday

On Dancing With The Stars, I don't want Donny to go tomorrow. I'd be real OK if it were Joanna or Kelly. Mya is the best dancer---yet the Titanic would sink cuz of her. Elegant, yet an ice berg. Not feelin' love from her.

I'm tired. It's chilly. I may finally crack on my furnace. Cats make good heaters, plus they purr.

Yep, I am tired. Don't feel much like ramblin.

Hey,there is always tomorrow.

Say your prayers--He always listens.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday Short

My oh my. The Dallas Cowboys lose to Green Bay today. I'm honest, there was about 5:48 in the game when Tony Romo was intercepted on the goal line. I switched over to my FiOS On Demand to watch the "Desperate Housewives" episode to get me caught up. The coming week on Dallas sports radio--I ain't gonna listen.

Both my teams lost this weekend. Iowa Hawkeyes start out 9-0 and are not destined for the Rose Bowl. And the Dallas Cowboys--my oh my, not happy am I.

I could go on and on--yes, I got my praise on today at Inspiring Body of Christ Church. As much as I've grown in a positive accustom to Pastor Rickie Rush-I have yet to join IBOC. Could be commitment to that church? My previous church home, of five years, I didn't join either--althought I was there every Sunday. Participated in ministries, including adult Sunday school. More prayer needed.

In the meantime, I'm sad about my teams. Both SHOULD have been victorious. I am heartsick, really. What mends a broken heart?

Blue Bell Ice Cream. And tonight Coffee flavored will heal all.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Saturday Sulk

Iowa Hawkeyes lost to Ohio State.
Recorded the game, due to attending a housewarming. Didn't listen to any sports coming home. Nope. Just blared music. Got home, fast forwarded thru commercials and with just a few second left in regulation, score tied 24-24 my DVR STOPS! I didn't set up to record enough time!!

Race to my PC. Pull up the Des Moines Register which tells me how Iowa's Rose Bowl dreams slip away, 27-24. Lost on a field goal in overtime. However, the red-shirt QB played a very good game for his first start. Yes, there were errs, yet the score wasn't 45-10 Ohio State, which is what I thought it might be.

As for the housewarming, I arrived with about 20 mins before it was scheduled to end. Why? Due to traffic and getting lost. I didn't realize my chum had moved out into the sticks--literally. I passed horses and cows. I LOVED her home though! Except for the neighbors being right on top of each other, her home is one I would purchase. Got a little envious. Of course, you always want what others have.

So there were my two sulks today. However did lunch with someone I use to be close to. We both realized that closeness never really went away. The way he hugged me confirmed that. A bit of needed growth--on both our parts-reaped rewards.

All in all, nice day indeed.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Doctor It Up

It's Thursday. 5:55 pm as I write this and it's midnight black outside. Yea. Not feeling that.

Downed my 74 ounces of water today. Wish it had been a cherries, pecans and cream malt from Braum's Ice Cream store. Alas, it wasn't. More healthier...whoppee.

Also at work today, I sauntered up to my racquetball chum Maria, even tho we've not racquetted any thing for months--I digress--and asked her if she had a snack. Maria munches healthy snacks, so I knew that was better than the bag of peanut M & M's I desired about 4302% more. Maria didn't disappoint. My chum handed me a pumpkin pie flavored granola bar. I figured at the most, a tad of sweetness, would tie me over.


To swallow a mouthful of sawdust would cause a sugar over dose compared to this bar.Didn't even finish it. When I walked to my car, I threw the remainder on the ground. I figured the birds might get healthy...might...

In the meantime, it's almost Friday. I smile at Gene Simmons, decked all in his KISS gear, in that soda pop commercial. I like the song "Calling Doctor Love"--I even had it on a 45--and got it here right now!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Microtia Moment and More

Reminded of this whole microtia thing today. I was born with out a left ear. Nothing but a little lobe from my head. Underwent a TON of hearing tests, it seemed, weekly during my growing up years. No surgery to construct an ear. When I was kid, there was nothing as sophisticated as now--yet I'm so use to having one ear, would be so different to have another--especially if I was able to HEAR from it. Anyway, today I was reminded I have a hard time on my left side, especially when the room is loud to begin with.

At work, a soft toned co-worker, spoken guy stood on my left. He spoke, yet I didn't hear him. I felt his presence and I did apologize I didn't hear him. Told him--how on my left, it is difficult. He just smiled and said he only wanted to know I was. Very sweet. Recently found out, this soft spoken guy tries out jokes and doing stand up comedy here in town. I look forward to laughing during one of his shows.

With just one ear, some folks say I purposely ignore them because I don't respond...uh...well.. :)

OK, Dancing With the Stars, Donny survives to strut his stuff in the semi-finals. He is so much a better dancer than Marie. I'm OK about Aaron getting the boot home. I've enjoyed DWTS this season, with starting with 16 couples was TOO much. I'm happy none the less. Every time I watch Donny dance, I do get reminded of the novel I say I'm going to write about my experience with The Osmonds. A goal would be to have Donny read the manuscript and give an endorsement. I dream BIG.

The fault is to never dream at ALL.

Since a cat just leaned against my leg, with claws out, that's it for Tuesday.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Woke up this morning and wondered why I wasn't so refreshed--then I remembed stayed up for:


Lovin' that! Where IS my coffee?

Then I also recalled how a relationship I thought on the mend may be not. I'd mentioned a person I was once close to, who'd dropped 60 pounds (congrats to him!) a few days ago. Over the weekend, we'd had contact for the first time in months. I'll be honest, it was all thru e-mails. I felt he would be OK to talk through voice, yet I wasn't. Anyway, break throughs were spoken of--Oprah woulda been proud. Even expectations to better the situation.

Well, then right before the Cowboys game, I evidently went a bit too far in the reasons for my breakthroughs. Erred in judgements of mention of past situations. Reasons why I thought things. We females discuss everything--most guys, not so much. Ahh, you would think I would learn.

So on this Monday, if our relationship was a Monopoly board game, the Less 60 Pounds Guy and I are back to Baltic Avenue---barely.

Oh well, if things are to mend, it's really not in my hands anyway. I give it all to the One that knows my heart.

Since that's done, I need to get outta here, get coffee to get thru the day and get that much closer to Dancing With the Stars!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Almost Midnight Miles Madness

It's still Sunday, with just 53 minutes left of the day.

Tonight I will sleep well because the Dallas Cowboys beat the Philadelphia Eagles 20-16. Andy Reid made one too many challenges---and lost.

Marion Barber did his best runs-dragging Eagles along with him. His braids blew in the breeze. And the mighty Miles Austin makes just one catch-yet that catch is the one that sealed the win. Miles ran a Tony Romo pass in for the go-ahead touch down.

Just takes one.

The Dallas-Ft Worth Metrolplex will be in peace--until next Sunday, anyway.

How 'bout them Cowboys!

Sun Shine Day

Walked into a grocery store this afternoon, and saw not one, nor two, but THREE decorated and lit up Christmas Trees! What is UP with that? It' is about 75 degrees here--and I'm sorry, the Halloween CANDY isn't even all gone for the clearance bins yet!! UGH. Too bad Blue Bell Ice Cream wasn't on sale, then I remembered I had plenty in my freezer-My Blue Bell will make Christmas Five Minutes After Halloween more tolerable.

Get this, at Inspiring Body of Christ Church today, we all lifted our bibles to the music of "Beat It"--yes, MJ's song--however we said, "Read It." Trust me, it worked. On top of that, Pastor Rickie Rush spoke how sometimes when we hurt, we direct our pain to other people and focus on ourselves or even direct it towards God--which can make us bitter. The healing can hurt, yet the Holy Spirit soothes. The soothing feels nice.

And when the sun is gone for this day, I'll be plopped right in front of the TV to watch the Dallas Cowboys and the Philadelphia Eagles battle it for 1st place in the NFC East. Will Tony Romo and Roy Williams connect on passes--FINALLY? Will Miles Austin keep taking it to the house? Will Patrick Crayton prove once again, if a man loses 2 jobs, he proves WHY he is a star? Will Marion Barber realize I'm his biggest fan? Will Blue Bell's Coffee Flavored Ice Cream charm my tummy?

'cuse me, while I go enjoy this Sunday Sunshine before it disappears from view.
Stay tuned.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

High Noon NOT

Recorded the Iowa Hawkeyes-Northwestern Wildcats game. Had things planned for the day (which was great by the way). I knew...KNEW Iowa would grind Northwestern into the turf. As I left the house, I had to sneek a peak ---the score just had to be 28-0 Iowa.

Imagine my surprise to see Iowa down by four at halftime! No problem, as I locked up the house--the Hawks would come on strong. 10-0 here we come! At the time, I didn't know QB Ricky Stanzi had been hurt.

So when I got home, got comfy and started to watch the game from halftime. I made sure I listened to nothing but music while driving my Pumpkin. I'd done this during a Cowboys game too, as it recorded while I away from home. So it could be done. I made guesses how high Iowa's score would be. Just knew my Hawks were 10-0!

On the couch, I sat. DVR'd thru commercials. Final score, Iowa 10 Northwestern 17. My heart broke at 7:29PM. The pitch black sky fit my mood.

Then I find out Ohio State beat Penn State.

I bet Rick Stanzi's ankle is fine by next Saturday.

Blue Bell Coffee flavored Ice Cream will help me heal--maybe I should send some to Ricky.

Stay tuned.

High Noon

On a gorgeous sun draped Saturday.
Cats are fed and now staked out an open window to call their own.
Gotta DVR the Iowa Hawkeye-Northwestern Wildcats due to I must
Get up and out of the house. I feel confident they'll be 10-0 when the sun sets!
Why can't the sports guys give 'em some love? Yea, they may have all the
Stuff the Gators or 'bama has--yet the Iowa Hawkeyes are 9-0 some kinda way.
Anyway, enjoy your day, cuz I'm sure gonna enjoy mine!
Go Hawks!

Friday, November 6, 2009

And It Is...

Friday. Finally.

The Weekend to see if my Iowa Hawkeyes can go 10-0 on Saturday. Then can Tony Romo and Roy Williams, of the Dallas Cowboys connect ALOT against the Donovan McNabb and the rest of the Eagles Sunday Night?

I'll consider to scrub everything for top to bottom, throw stuff from a back bedroom and maybe even do a bit of writing on the novel I say I want to write...


To savor ice cream and pet a cat may win out. You know...priorities!

In the meantime, gotta cue this song I STILL love 30 years later cuz it is: WEEKEND!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday and Almost


Call me vain. I like my new profile photo. Always hated getting my picture snapped due to forever having a crooked mouth. That was due to being born with microtia (one ear) and missing some bone and such on the left side of my face. And then when I had the stroke that wasn't a stroke, right before I had the little open-heart surgery adventure-the side of my mouth drooped some. Still kinda does. Paranoid, at times, I am about it.

Then I see my profile pic. I look happy in this photo. As I am flat broke. 100 cats (well, not really). Wish for a new, and better house buying experience--or maybe I just want a clean house? Or a wish for a written and finished finished novel by ME. And a business to call my own. And to tickle a cute kitty's tummy. All good.
And in new profile photo I appear like I have all that and more.

Yep. Call me vain. I like it.

I am blessed.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

November 4, 2008 was Tuesday

Once upon a time families were
Torn apart and a price
Put on their heads.

There were folks who forever had a dream-
And shouted it to millions
Far and near because one day...

There would be a day
When history
Looked upon a page from yesterday.

As he moved his own family in
a White House folks of the past
Broke their backs to build-

Folks voted for Change on this day a year ago.
Today some folks are still not happy.
Economy. War. Jon & Kate.
This family is in it for the long haul-
As were families of long ago
And so am I.
I remain optimistic.
That's why God graced us with patience.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Couple Things...

Got through the day. Oh, and I feel some old age creep up on me. Seems when I rise in the morns, , body is STIFF. As I warm up, just like a '58 Chevy, I'm roarin' down the road. However--being more consistent on exercise may help. I'm stuck on the Lose Weight Train. Found out, a man once close to me, has shed about 60lbs. See, guys can lose weight by missing out on a hamburger, while we girl look at a hamburger and gain five pounds. Anyway, I don't even want to discuss it, except I did drink the 74 ounces of water. The trek to the bathroom proved that!
I received kind words from a woman I've never met, except for exchanging a few words on a Social Network, about my one and only self published book. The book itself is 11 years old. I'm amazed it still touches folks--well, really, that anybody is touched at all. Just nice. Humbling.

Good thing is, I'm off tomorrow. Boss wanted us to start using up our vacation. So for my 15 minute POKE test--which is what I call my Coumadin Check- I took off the WHOLE day. I do have to get get a tire, continue hunt for cheaper house/car insurance, plus other stuff before I head to get POKED. I just know I need a day off, while other people work. The sleepin' in, with a herd of cats, as a blanket will be nice.
The next man I date oughta be a vet. .

So tonight, on Dancing With the Stars, Michael did a very good job, Donny brought the house down and poor Mark--he had multi-partners due to Lacey's health. And on the girls' side: Mya I have yet to warm up to and Kelli whined just too many times for me, and maybe America. So if Michael isn't one of two booted off: it will be Mark and Kelli.

Stay tuned!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sunday SunDOWN

It is 6:30 pm as I write this. Out my window all I see is a canvas of midnight black. Yea, we set the clocks last night. Is there STILL a reason for Standard and Daylight Savings Time? Like back 70 or so years ago? Why still NOW? Sure, it'll be lighter in the morning--yet there is something about the sky being dark by an eventual 5:00PM it seems. GRR.


Got my praise on today. The all-male choir praised and rocked and the spirit was felt through out that place. Pastor Rickie Rush, the Inspiring Body of Christ Church, said, "Change is a process, not an event." I don't always agree with what Pastor Rush says, although those words stuck with me. We need to take a wellness check and admit there's something wrong with US-seems to hold us back from blessings, while others seem to be able and get theirs---maybe something in our past. Gives me pause to ponder. I think of my mom's death when I was 13 and also the not so much encouragement received from my step-mother, when I wanted and needed a female roll model. All makes sense. Yep--to ponder and learn from.

So as the dark sky so early at night bums me, I see IOWA is #8 on Top 25. I believe they don't get enough credit. Sure, they may not be on Florida or 'bama's turf, however the QB threw 4 picks in one quarter and were behind 21-7. That same QB led the Iowa Hawkeyes to a 42-24 win in the next quarter. Even without the less than stellar officiating, would the score been that much different? Lou Holtz, on ESPN, said Iowa only impressed him with their win over Penn State! Gee, Lou--I thought good teams figure out a way to win. Stay tuned.
And my Dallas Cowboys won--soundly--over Seattle! Felt nice to watch. Miles Austin can smile for any time and I'd help Marion Barber braid his hair-anytime! coffee.

All in all--a great day. Sun did shine ALOT today. GORGEOUS. Now if you will excuse me, gotta try this Starbucks Mocha Frappucino ice cream which awaits in my freezer. Certainly, will aid in my being bummed of sky being dark by 6:30PM.

Thoughts of Past Loves

The Holidays are pretty much right here. Yep.  Especially since three Christmas movies, in the last three days, between Lifetime and Ha...