Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sun Shine Day

Walked into a grocery store this afternoon, and saw not one, nor two, but THREE decorated and lit up Christmas Trees! What is UP with that? It' is about 75 degrees here--and I'm sorry, the Halloween CANDY isn't even all gone for the clearance bins yet!! UGH. Too bad Blue Bell Ice Cream wasn't on sale, then I remembered I had plenty in my freezer-My Blue Bell will make Christmas Five Minutes After Halloween more tolerable.

Get this, at Inspiring Body of Christ Church today, we all lifted our bibles to the music of "Beat It"--yes, MJ's song--however we said, "Read It." Trust me, it worked. On top of that, Pastor Rickie Rush spoke how sometimes when we hurt, we direct our pain to other people and focus on ourselves or even direct it towards God--which can make us bitter. The healing can hurt, yet the Holy Spirit soothes. The soothing feels nice.

And when the sun is gone for this day, I'll be plopped right in front of the TV to watch the Dallas Cowboys and the Philadelphia Eagles battle it for 1st place in the NFC East. Will Tony Romo and Roy Williams connect on passes--FINALLY? Will Miles Austin keep taking it to the house? Will Patrick Crayton prove once again, if a man loses 2 jobs, he proves WHY he is a star? Will Marion Barber realize I'm his biggest fan? Will Blue Bell's Coffee Flavored Ice Cream charm my tummy?

'cuse me, while I go enjoy this Sunday Sunshine before it disappears from view.
Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Sultan said...

I like your blog.

I love Christmas more than he next person but it really is not time yet! Especially since it was somehow 70 degrees here today.

Thoughts of Past Loves

The Holidays are pretty much right here. Yep.  Especially since three Christmas movies, in the last three days, between Lifetime and Ha...