Got through the day. Oh, and I feel some old age creep up on me. Seems when I rise in the morns, , body is STIFF. As I warm up, just like a '58 Chevy, I'm roarin' down the road. However--being more consistent on exercise may help. I'm stuck on the Lose Weight Train. Found out, a man once close to me, has shed about 60lbs. See, guys can lose weight by missing out on a hamburger, while we girl look at a hamburger and gain five pounds. Anyway, I don't even want to discuss it, except I did drink the 74 ounces of water. The trek to the bathroom proved that!
I received kind words from a woman I've never met, except for exchanging a few words on a Social Network, about my one and only self published book. The book itself is 11 years old. I'm amazed it still touches folks--well, really, that anybody is touched at all. Just nice. Humbling.
Good thing is, I'm off tomorrow. Boss wanted us to start using up our vacation. So for my 15 minute POKE test--which is what I call my Coumadin Check- I took off the WHOLE day. I do have to get get a tire, continue hunt for cheaper house/car insurance, plus other stuff before I head to get POKED. I just know I need a day off, while other people work. The sleepin' in, with a herd of cats, as a blanket will be nice.
The next man I date oughta be a vet. .
So tonight, on Dancing With the Stars, Michael did a very good job, Donny brought the house down and poor Mark--he had multi-partners due to Lacey's health. And on the girls' side: Mya I have yet to warm up to and Kelli whined just too many times for me, and maybe America. So if Michael isn't one of two booted off: it will be Mark and Kelli.
Stay tuned!
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