Monday, November 9, 2009


Woke up this morning and wondered why I wasn't so refreshed--then I remembed stayed up for:


Lovin' that! Where IS my coffee?

Then I also recalled how a relationship I thought on the mend may be not. I'd mentioned a person I was once close to, who'd dropped 60 pounds (congrats to him!) a few days ago. Over the weekend, we'd had contact for the first time in months. I'll be honest, it was all thru e-mails. I felt he would be OK to talk through voice, yet I wasn't. Anyway, break throughs were spoken of--Oprah woulda been proud. Even expectations to better the situation.

Well, then right before the Cowboys game, I evidently went a bit too far in the reasons for my breakthroughs. Erred in judgements of mention of past situations. Reasons why I thought things. We females discuss everything--most guys, not so much. Ahh, you would think I would learn.

So on this Monday, if our relationship was a Monopoly board game, the Less 60 Pounds Guy and I are back to Baltic Avenue---barely.

Oh well, if things are to mend, it's really not in my hands anyway. I give it all to the One that knows my heart.

Since that's done, I need to get outta here, get coffee to get thru the day and get that much closer to Dancing With the Stars!

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