To win Dancing With The Stars Trophy! How cool is that? Plus, Donny sang, "Puppy Love"--a song I really did hate until Donny's voice changed! Kid you not.
I was sure of that after last night's free-style. It was Mya's trophy to lose, until the free-style. Kinda feel for her, yet not really. Kelly grew, and I admire that. I'm sure Daddy Ozzy was mush watching his baby girl grace across the floor.

But the night was for Osmonds and Osmonds only. Donny got his wife, Debbie, and her carried onto the floor. His kids. Sister Marie and who knows WHO else, surrounded them. Donny proved you can turn 52 on December 9, be a grandfather and out do two ladies that could be your daughters! Yep-it was Donny's night!
For me, to watch from the comfort of my own home. In my bed actually, under the covers in my purple jammies--instead of like yester-decade as a teenager, lingering in a service elevator-hours on end--just to catch a glimpse of an Osmond. As of tonight, I am more confident Donny ignores the AARP membership invites that turn up in the mail.
Just like I do.
Congrats to YOU, Donny!
Is that you with Donny?!?!?!?!?!
Yes, that's me. It was a week after he and Debbie were married--back in yester-century. All the pictures of Donny, I'm in or I snapped--well, except for Dancing With the Stars stuff.
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