Saturday, November 14, 2009

Saturday Sulk

Iowa Hawkeyes lost to Ohio State.
Recorded the game, due to attending a housewarming. Didn't listen to any sports coming home. Nope. Just blared music. Got home, fast forwarded thru commercials and with just a few second left in regulation, score tied 24-24 my DVR STOPS! I didn't set up to record enough time!!

Race to my PC. Pull up the Des Moines Register which tells me how Iowa's Rose Bowl dreams slip away, 27-24. Lost on a field goal in overtime. However, the red-shirt QB played a very good game for his first start. Yes, there were errs, yet the score wasn't 45-10 Ohio State, which is what I thought it might be.

As for the housewarming, I arrived with about 20 mins before it was scheduled to end. Why? Due to traffic and getting lost. I didn't realize my chum had moved out into the sticks--literally. I passed horses and cows. I LOVED her home though! Except for the neighbors being right on top of each other, her home is one I would purchase. Got a little envious. Of course, you always want what others have.

So there were my two sulks today. However did lunch with someone I use to be close to. We both realized that closeness never really went away. The way he hugged me confirmed that. A bit of needed growth--on both our parts-reaped rewards.

All in all, nice day indeed.

1 comment:

Sultan said...

Oooh, the dreaded DVR settings failure!

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