On my day off (and I have another tomorrow), my mission was to locate Giovanni, a particular brand of shampoo and conditioner. I read Target sold it. Alas, the Tarjay less that five minutes from my cluttered home didn't have it. So I stopped at a drug store a block two away, where their website has Giovanni products listed-----well, not at this store. So I sucked it all up to journey, in mist and fog, to another side of Dallas to Ulta. Ever been to one?
I hadn't in a couple years. Ulta has designer brand hair products, fragrances, plus stuff you could buy at Target, like Clairol and the like. There were top of the line flat irons for a hundred bucks---on sale. All the staff, seemed majority born in the late 80's, were decked out in black. Nobody bothered me to ask if they could help except the young lady who asked if she could do something with my eyebrows. She even said my face told her that would be a "No".
More amazed I was, the clientele was in my demographic, even older. Ulta had mineral make up I wanted to inspect, I was in there for a Giovanni shampoo and conditioner and that was all. Which to my joy was buy one and get the second at 50%.
Ulta is pretty cool store, yet I think it takes its poshness a little too serious. And I felt a bit out of place in my jeans and Tweety Bird sweat shirt. Well, maybe not too outta place. I did sign up for an Ulta card where I can earn points with purchases afterall.
No Dancing With the Stars. Got the trash out by the curb. I'll pet a cat and settle in to watch today's episode of the Young and Restless.
I can clean tomorrow...maybe...I got the day OFF.
Stay tuned.
the Tweety bird sweat shirt did it for me...lol. You and the serious poshness.
"I tawt I taw a pwetenchus sales cloik! ...I did! I did tea pwetenchus sales cloik!"
Hey--I had on my tennyshoes too--but I did have on my royal blue mascara....!
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