Why? Well, Bear was the last man I spoke serious "let's get married" with. At that time, tho--Bear announced we could move back to Iowa, live off 30 grand between us, and write to our hearts content. Live like Bohemians, he said. Honestly, my Dad was in the last few months of his life, and Bear knew how close my Dad and I were. In addition, Bear was also from the Midwest--yet, I knew the "let's get married" thing wasn't gonna happen. I recall asking him if he was drunk or high. :) What I'm getting at is the choice of love--I think we both made a choice in that area. So today, just like clock work--as the hundreds, of folks came into the church, Bear and I ran into each other.
He was talking to someone, so I just extended my hand to shake his, as I walked into the sanctuary. Well, Bear took my hand and pulled me towards him. I had one foot off the floor, because it took me by surprise, as Bear pulled me into a bearhug. In way, it was a re-connect, even tho we'd both made choices elsewhere.
A chum of mine had suggested writing a story of a past relationship that's hard to put down. The one with Bear would be a prime candidate. However, I have a couple stories just screaming to get out. And as the late, great E Lynn Harris said, if we don't write what's eating us up, it'll mess up our life! I do believe that!
The story with Bear--not sure I'd make the choice of a happy ending or not. Dependes on the degree of re-connect.
Stay tuned.
I think it is therapeutic to write about these kind of things. Also I tend to think that the best literature tends to come from things which conflict us in a profound way.
And I so agree with you. It's cool to think you can make it turn out anyway you want! :)
Why don't you and Bear reconnect again? At least as friends. Why not? You must've had something in common. Life is too short and you can never have too many friends.
It would be nice to be friends, because we really never were before. It would take a miracle. Frankly, I feel our time has passed.
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