Monday, October 26, 2009

Gather 'round..

It's Monday. Downed my 74 ounces of water. Shoulda just stood outside with my mouth open. Rained ALL day. At least my yard looks lush.
Made it through with a try on a new attitude. That all o' this is just temporary. Gotta keep it all in focus--since I do need bi-focals, we'll see how long that lasts! :)

Us Iowa Hawkeye fans still hummin' about their last, literally seconds win, while Us Dallas Cowboys fans are hummin' about our Boyz' win. We also ask WHERE has Miles Austin been? In two games, he's stats surpass that of Roy Williams who has played in 17 games. Stay tuned to that.

However, with the rain, I still got the trash by the curb, a cat ready to curl and the remote ready for me to punch to Dancing With The Stars! I so get off on this show! Oh, and the Blue Bell Cookies n Ice Cream is gonna help too. So 'cuse me while I go root for Donny Osmond, Michael Irvin and Mark Dascascos!

Let's DANCE!

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