Joy. I'm blessed to have a job. However....
Anyway, it's the Results Show for Dancing With the Stars tonight. I'll predict now. Melissa and unfortunately, Michael Irvin. I still say his pro-dancer didn't tap into him from the start--was the downfall. I don't care for Mya--yet Melissa and Michael.
And I have a stat counter on my blog. I love seeing where everyone comes from--repeat visitors and new visitors--just get a kick out of what technology brings on home. It's also amazing to me, I can tell someone who was once a grand part of my life seems to peak at my blog just about everyday. The stat counter tells me the location of the system looking at my blog. It's funny--they're no longer in your life physically, yet they remain interested in your life.
I'm off to work. Oatmeal and coffee await.
I await for the Results tonight....
Post Script:
The internet has brought an end to those ages of wondering whatever happened to this person or that person. You just look them up and read about their lives. Thank God for Al Gore!
And you are right.
However in this case, the person and I were close until just of recent times. Season just end, even with Al Gore's invention.. :)
Don't you love having your own house and being able to throw a load in the dryer and then go off to work?! Convenience is great and i'm greatful for small things such as that. Hope you are well :).ARod.
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