On a lighter note, of COURSE, watched "Dancing With The Stars!" And I'm glad Michael Irvin is safe to dance another night. Unless his new pro dancer/teacher steps up the game, Michael will be gone before he shows us anything. I'm sure Michael's new dancer/teacher is nervous-first time on the show and all. However, there was a new male pro dancer/teacher who received nothing but kudos from the judges. Poor Michael, he deserves more than the "4" two of the judges gave him. Monday is coming-and I got faith in you Michael!
On the eating-less-calories-and-working- out-more front is kinda stuck in neutral. I've been good on the eating less calories, not so good on the working out part. Still good on the drinking water part tho. Need to get the body moving more. I keep saying I want to do aerobics, while what I really want to do is a dance class. Ballroom, sure--but more jazz, ballet or even tap. They have a tap class at the rec center, alas it's during the day. I'd love to take a jazz class, like I did in the early 90's and received "A"s for my solo. My teacher, who ran a dance company, said I had 'presence'--yet now I'd need a class that was a bit gentler to my older bones. Leaping across the floor with a bunch of 20 somethings ain't my bowl of Blue Bell Cookies n Cream ice cream anymore.
There's lots more, like the Iowa Hawkeyes
battle Penn State tomorrow night. Trust me, I will be glued to the TV, plus the Dallas Cowboys play on Monday Night Football--and they GOTTA win, especially in that Billion Dollar Bungalow Jerry built. Ya know, I still feel Jerry's Bungalow shoulda been built in Dallas. I don't care what the Dallas city leaders say--that was something, that shoulda stayed in Dallas.

OK. I've rambled enough. Got some Friday to enjoy with a song that still makes my toe tap. Little known kinda disco ditty by Chic. Had it on vinyl and I dedicate it Michael Irvin, 'You're more than those 4's the judges gave you. In my book you're a 26 (that's the song's title)!
1 comment:
Wow! I'd forgotten all about this song. It's pretty good.
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