Once the the class ended, a few of us wanted to stay in contact and continue writing. So our Honor the Words group was born! Our success has been minimal, yet we have experienced some. No JK Rowling or Dan Brown success among us---yet. However, one of the member's work is in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Twins. We're all very proud of her. Alas, for whatever reason, excuse, we're not writing as we should. We are not following Habakkuk 2:2 as we should. In that sense, a cloud of frustration drapes us.
Although, there is always a ray of sunshine in everything. In our case, it is our senior member who is a year or two from 80 years young. Feisty woman who holds a PhD and has done just about everything except jump from a plane. Devout Catholic who switched from the Republican Party to Democrat. In fact she's the one who gave me the Elect Obama signs for my yard! Our member has been hooked in an adventure with with Stage 4 breast cancer since early this year. When you watch and remain in her presence, you realize how you wanna be when you grow up.
So yea, I'm not happy about my writing endeavors of late. However, I am happy of the endeavor God has put into me for Honor the Words.
I am blessed.
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