Monday, January 4, 2010

Resolution Run Down

Yes, I drank my 74 ounces of water today. And I also told a couple chums one of my 20101 is:

Not to make the excuses of others justify why I don't do something.

For me, to follow my dreams aka to work on the gifts He gave me. This means alot. As much as I love my chums, I did/do make their excuses justify mine. I've not utilized my time well, especially when it comes to writing, because of this action. Can't change the past, yet I can make a difference for today and tomorrow. Chums' excuses assisted my self doubts to grow. Those doubts lead me to the nearest plate of dee-lishus fried onion rings instead of sliced fresh onions to waltz on my salad topped with Roasted Red Pepper Vinegarette salad dressing. One is dee-lish-US, while the other is dee-lish-US-y good for you. It can work.

Tis my main resolution. Hang tuff with that, I got it made.

Gotta put the trash by the curb and will do my best to leave some self doubt there too!

How about you?

Psst...hang with me while I put a photo of cutie pie, Dallas Cowboy Miles Austin! This guy, along with # 24 Marion Barber, have my heart. Dallas Cowboys shut out the Philadelphia Eagles 24-0 yesterday. And I think the same outcome can happen on Saturday night as they battle in the Wildcard game. Stay tuned!


Sultan said...

As I have gotten older I have tried to simplify my goals and life as a whole. Every time I succeed in this to some point my life gets better. Every time I fail it gets worse.

Miles Austin has had a massive year. I think the game this weekend will be much closer.

LL aka Lisa-Lin said...

I'm with you on the simplifying of resolutions. Life--ya gotta love it.

And I believe the game will be closer Saturday too. Still think the Boyz can pull it out. The city is just a buzz!

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