Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday Muse Moments

Windy, yet gorgeous sun filled day in Dallas. Instead of heading straight home to change and go to the rec center to bike and tread, I decided to jaunt to the park up the street from my house. Already had on my tennyshoes and comfy clothes-so why not? There's a pond there, alas there were no ducks to feed. Sat there for a moment then a picnic table became my stop.

The wind danced through the leaves and kissed my faced. Loved it. Made chums with a couple dogs and their humans. All nice indeed. In the midst of it all I did do some musings--musings which have consumed my moments of late:

Well, yes, Dancing With the Stars is one. Can't wait for that. Hard to explain how one show gives me so much pleasure. More than movies, but not more than football, yet more than American Idol. I guess because I always wanted to dance. Of course, seeing Donny Osmond helps too! :) Never once thought, those years ago, when he told me with his newest album at the time, would show he had as much soul as me, that Donny would grace us with ballroom dancing...just love it!

Seasons. Yep, the other things I thought about. Not so much the weather's change, yet more so how seasons change within relationships. Three relationships jumped to mind. All have spanned years. Now they've ended or close to the end. Makes me sad. Never want to say good bye to something which has been near and dear to my heart. However, know, deep in my heart it is the best thing. No words seemed to said. The no words actually show our drift away.

To sit at the picnic bench also made me realize I can't always drive 20 miles to walk around a park. Just because that park. by my old apartment, is familiar-need to let go. Sure I can always visit, yet the park up the street--pond and trees and dogs to meet and all, begs me for a sure promise we'll really get to know one another. Well, it is a pretty park...

In the meantime, I gotta get ready for Dancing With The Stars. Hope Donny brings it on home, while I pray Michael Irvin DANCES

Seasons. Change is hard, yet each season is beautiful.

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