And I guzzled my 74 ounces of water yesterday and will today.
In the meantime, I got to thinking bout an old love of mine. In fact, I've mentioned him a few times on the blog. Bear--is what I call him. Hit me in recent times how much of a grump o' Bear he's turned out to be! See, he got ticked how I wrote stuff on his Facebook Wall and didn't think to ask HIM if it was OK. Really? It's FACEBOOK-not some secret code spot for the FBI (is it?) What do you do on FACEBOOK? Oh, it was rated G stuff, like "When ya gonna post a pic?"
Even if you're networking--you write on Walls. Well, when this little ditty sunk in, and after I asked Bear if he instructed other friends to ask permission to scipt on his Wall (which I've yet to receive a response), I had an a-ha moment. How it's all about control. His over me.Makes sense. In all the time we've known each other, Bear has always been so pissed at me. For just about everything. And me? I thought we could work out anything. Heck, love was a many splendored thing. Bear thought so too--if he ruled all the roost. Now, I'm all for the man being head of the household. However, that doesn't mean you're always mad when I quite never do what you think I should and >gasp!<>
That happened alot. Which was alot of the problem.
Oh well. When you have those a-ha moments, you mix a sliced banana and mix with Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla ice cream. Trick is to have just a few spoonfuls of ice cream--not a PINT, like I use to do-at one sitting. While that cures what ails you-let a cat nap in your lap.
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