These words were uttered yester-decade, specifically the 1980's. It was also the last time I paid attention to it.
A co-worker, a woman I bonded with over our $4.67 per hour part time job at now defunct airline and since forgot her name, spit this gem out after I poured out my heart. Over what? Well, a man, of course. His name was Frank and he painted houses. We'd met at a local bar and danced the night away. By the dawn of a new day, I was smitten. Would Frank call? So my co-worker listened as my cup runneth over and then she pour salt in my wound.
When she first said it, believe it or not, I agreed. My friends today would gasp in disbelief. Hey it was the 80's and my confidence-o-meter wasn't quite so high! Amazingly I squeaked, "I am a knock out!" The co-worker looked at me while I gave her a quick glance. What had I done? I didn't really half believe it myself. Somehow, I promised myself never an implication of if I was thinner then I'd be so-so pretty would be said in my air space again.
And it hasn't. At least to my face.
I believe you can look good and feel good at any size. IF you have the positive confidence/attitude and choose to take the time. Big Girl clothes just aren't polyester muu-muu's anymore. To lose weight is to help my overall health. Having the open-heart surgery in 2006, brought me to reality. My temple is a miraculous thing. I want to keep it this way. No visions of size 4 dance in my head, yet I know a healthier me accentuates my already positive. Age and wisdom also help, with a touch of God's mercy. :)
It ain't easy. Anything that's good ain't ever easy. Makes it worthwhile.
Since I thought of this guy Frank, here's the song that even to this day, makes me smile at the thought of him. Frank did paint houses: John Mellencamp's Pink Houses!
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