Yea, H20--the most unexciting beverage ever. Gone are my days of doing whiskey shots followed by gulps of water. That's a whole 'nother post for another time. :)
Sure, Dr. Pepper or 7-11's Mocha Iced Coffee or Kool-aid or brewed, not instant strawberry mango iced tea would be more fun than plain jane glass of water. And since water is the main ingredient in those beverages, all must be right.
Wrong. Your temple (which is your body and the word I'll use from now on) needs it. Craves it. Keeps your temple's architecture in pristine order.
I drink water. Plain. Straight up from the tap. Everyday, even on weekends, when the routine is a bit different. See, I have this 74 ounce plastic jug from Wal-mart. Drink one of those puppies a day-and you're set. My co-workers watch me fill it up each day and somebody always asks, "You drink all of that?" Yep. I do.
Hey, it took me while to devour such an amount. Ain't easy. Something that doesn't taste good is never easy. Water, I'll drink. Asparagus never crosses my lips. But ya know, to drink water does fill your tummy up. And I don't mean a little Dixie cup full. An 8 ounce glass before you munch on something.
Beware you don't put yourself in denial. Even tho you KNOW you're full, you think something will be missed, like the goodness of a bunch of peanut butter criss cross cookies that sit before you. Good they would be, but sugar crash ain't worth it and you'll be mad at yourself in the morning. Unless Brad Pitt is part of the picture, the cookies stay where they are.
You hate water? Me too. Nothing like a squeezed lemon or orange to give it a little zip. There's stuff you can add, to make it go down easier. Just make sure a cup of sugar isn't one of the ingredient. Nobody said it would be easy. Nothing that's good ever is. Water is dull. So is paying your electric bill--yet you do it. Why? Because you have to or you have a think for kerosene lamps. Water is the same thing. You learn to do it. Every day.
And I put both my feet on the scale and stared. Smiled a bit as a smaller number inches into view. Not bad.
Water. Try it. Really does 'dew' a body good.
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