Had a good girl gab fest last night with a chum over some yummy Mexican cuisine. The Bride2B's dream is to be an actress full time. She was in college to study architecture, and close to graduation, when the bug bit her. Since, then as she pays her dues, here in Dallas, she told how when the head of theatre asked her if she could wake up tomorrow and do what she loved for free-what would it be? Her answer was to act. I do believe she will go far.
As for me, I thought about the question. My answer was to write. I put down words on paper since grade school. I devoured books--hey, this was so before the internet and cable TV, and the only way you could see a movie is if you went to the movie theatre. I was so into making up the make believe others saw. Dance, music, acting--all was on my mind..
Alas, I didn't follow that dream. As I watched the Iowa Hawkeyes beat the Wisconsin Badgers today, I remember Iowa denied my entrance application, those years ago. My grades weren't good enough and they suggested I attend a community college first. I felt like such a failure. Community College? ME? Bolderdash! Instead of even giving a thought to what the University of Iowa suggested to do and to learn to be patient, I just went on my merry way to show them.
Oh my. Well, turns out I didn't show them much of anything...
Live and learn, especially on gorgeous days like this one, which the Lord has made.
Stay tuned.
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