And the day--GREAT message delivered by Rickie Rush, of the Inspiring Body of Christ Church, on the time God gets your ready, while Satan tries to keep you down. As with Fear. God doesn't give us fear, alas Satan uses it so we don't put our trust in The One who is there always. I think of when my mom passed when I was just 13, and of decisions I made, including those about Bear. God has always been there, yet I let fear over take me. And I would decide to do things myself-WRONG. GREAT message!
Now on this Sunday, as it swirls down, I know how good it will be to listen to sports radio for the next couple weeks, especially since the Cowboys have their bye week next Sunday. Miles Austin will have his fame and all La-Z-Boy QB's will have their say. Since a Cowboy victory is involved they can talk ALL they want!
I am blessed.
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