Yep, the day Movie Man picked me up and I inhaled my fresh air for the first time in three weeks, and we headed to this location to get my meds and groceries. That was the day, plus a couple others, I drove the little cart in the Wal-mart. Ran over everything-people and shelves as we made our way to the pharmacy. Yes, people did laughed.
To get to the point, today I drove a good 15 miles--(more miles when I drove back to my house) to get to this Wal-mart. Sure, I have one just down the road from my house--NO. Then one, right by work-MAYBE. So, knew I had gas in my Pumpkin so off to the Wal-mart I LIKE, I zipped. The speed limit is 70 mph, so there in now time. The speed limit also prevented my Blue Bell Butter Pecan Ice Cream to melt....
I digress.
The point is, this Wal-mart has been remodeled. I LIKED it before it got gussied up. Now I LIKE it even more! Clean, wide aisles, bright and just inviting. I told the cashier, I didn't live in that part of town anymore, but this was my favorite Wal-mart, and I had to visit it. She smiled and said, "It is very pretty, isn't it?"
So if you will excuse me, I have ice cream to savor --and yes, I drank ALL my water today--and my ponder of the next 'roll back' to the old neighborhood...
1 comment:
I'm the SAME way about stores. I have my favorites. Whether it's Tom Thumbs or Barnes and Nobles, certain ones just don't do it for me. They just don't feel like home. So, I don't blame you for going all the way to your favorite one. I do the same thing.
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