Friday, August 28, 2009


Tis Friday. The week c'est fini. Does more need to be said?


Oh wait-I did down my daily 74 ounces of water. Whatever happened to the days when I gulped water to chase a little whiskey...:?

So now some Bachman Turner Overdrive to help us recall how we must still be Takin' Care of Business--and heck, why not? Tis the Weekend...ENJOY!


The New Me said...

I really don't know what happened to those days. I see no reason why they couldn't continue from time to time. For medicinal purposes only of course.

LL aka Lisa-Lin said...

Indeed--for medicinal purposes only! :)

Thoughts of Past Loves

The Holidays are pretty much right here. Yep.  Especially since three Christmas movies, in the last three days, between Lifetime and Ha...