Saturday, May 9, 2009

So On

Gotta admit, I considered going to see Star Trek --AGAIN- today. Yep, I loved it THAT much. Got to think the last movie, I saw multiple times in the theatre was The Lion King and before that, Jurassic Park. Both were viewed about 7 (each) times, with popcorn in hand. Hmm. Just remembered I saw Titantic 4 times in theaters. Since it was 3 hours long--almost the same amount of time as for the 7 times...I think. Don't have my abacus handy. Anyway, I didn't do a moving picture show, instead headed for luncheon for Motherless Daughters. Maybe next weekend. Let it all simmer a bit. Oh wait, did I tell you the storyline of Lt. Uhura I really liked? I did smile through out--LOVED IT. I've not gushed about a movie this much and/or this bad in years! I do have one gripe--with the prospect of alternate universes why couldn't Captain Kirk be in it?

Nonetheless, Go see Star Trek! Gene Roddenberry would be proud!

I've decided I love Zachary Quinto just a hair more than Chris Pine
Must be the pointy ear thing--well, at least for today!

Live long and prosper!

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