Donny Osmond got married.
Yep. Life as we knew it ended. I've said before, originally Donny was not my favorite Osmond. His older brother Merrill was. Not until The Twelfth of Never (the song, not a calendar date) did I begin to fathom Donny not being half so bad. See, his voice changed. Donny sounded a bit more interesting to me, than during that "Puppy Love" stuff. Being honest. As I ventured to around the country concert dates and had a chance to chat with Donny--he was always very nice. His 70's nickname for me was "Crazy." So, indeed, I liked Donny.
Then Donny gets up and gets married. Co-workers gave me every newspaper clipping they could find on the wedding. What would I do, they asked? Did I still like him? Sure I did, yet it all felt funny. Donny and I weren't best friends. We never shared ice cream, but it felt like someone close to me ended our relationship. What of me? Was it time to get serious about life? Be grown up? Not stay out until 3 am and go to work 5 hours later?
I tried to be grown up. Be responsible--like Donny was. To look back, I can't blame him getting married. Donny had done ten times as much as anybody his age. In a sense, he had to grow up quick. To wed so young seemed like a given.
Fast forward 31 years to today. Donny and his bride Debbie are now grandparents. That thought seemed so far away in those 1978 days. I couldn't believe Donny got married as I vegged in my studio apartment with the black, brown and white shag carpet all for the $180 a month-utilities paid. And now to celebrate their 31st anniversary and what of me?
Today I boldly went where alot of men (and women) have gone before, and will go alot this weekend: the new Star Trek movie. Just got two words: LOVED IT. A smile rarely left my face through out! Not had THAT much fun at a movie in such a long, long time, ALL the way front start to finish. Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto were superb as Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock, respectively. I can't say enough except I LOVED IT. Hey, I'd even say pay full price -I did- and have no regrets. I can't believe I ever doubted to even see this Star Trek. What was I thinking?

As for me being all grown up. Well, some folks might think so while the others would say not so much. That I bounce around like a yo-yo instead of staying on one road.
And what fun is that? Except to be a segue to cue up The Osmonds Brothers to get the weekend started with a little Yo Yo. This clip is from Flip Wilson's show, in 1971, and another smile of how things once were.
I am blessed.
Do you have other photos of Debbie Osmond? I would really like to see them! :)
Sorry--no, I don't. This is the only photo.
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