Like why do I have to jump to:

Or then I why would jump over to American Idol? Hmm. The judges used their one save of the season last night for Matt Giraud. He won't win, yet seems like a nice kid. Next week the Idols do disco--which I LOVED. No joke. My boyfriend and I made sure our outfits matched on Saturday Nights. He thought he was the black John Saturday Night Fever Travolta. I thought I was hot in my Candies or my 4 inch black heels. To me, disco, was the best dance music EVER.
Then why I might jump to I wish folks would leave President Barack Obama alone? He inherited the issues we have today. He's not quite Moses. Being so scrutinized -because he is the first Black Man to hold the highest office in the land. I STILL get chills. Sometimes, tho, I do wish his two terms were all ready done, and the second Black person was about to take office. By then not so much scrutiny--because they are the second...but if it's a woman....WELL! But President Obama did get his girls a dog.
Or I why I don't just just talk about my diet, my heart surgery, fiction writing, my hair or the sinkful of dishes? Sure, I could stick to just one theme and let that be it.
Why not?
I figure my life is my theme. Share thoughts from all of life's volumes. Variety. One thing can bloom into a bouquet.

Just so how I like it.
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