Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday Short

This is the day the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad in it.
Gorgeous Dallas day--close to 80 degrees. Filled up my gas tank for a buck 49 a gallon. Spent more time in Wal-mart than I wanted too. The long check out lines saw to that. I bought the Oprah magazine with her thinner self and now self displayed on the cover. Well, I realized Oprah's thinner days were my bigger days!

Last night Movie Man and I headed to Yuletide Party of a work chum. Good food and times had by all. There was a photo snapped of Movie Man and me. Afterwards the chat went a little like this:

Me: How do you feel about our picture on my blog?

Movie Man: Silent Stare

Translation: No picture on my blog. However, I'm OK with that--because without Movie Man's help last night, I wouldn't have gotten any pictures snapped of me. See, a magazine is considering running my heart adventure piece. They've asked for a photo and short bio. Once again the Chum of Cinema came to my rescue.

Today, I debated what church to attend. I headed to Inspiring Body of Christ Church with Pastor Rickie Rush. He preached on several scriptures, yet the theme was on our anointing. I favored 1 John 2:20. I'd put it here, yet maybe your own Bible needs to be picked up, open and read--again. OK--back to the sermon. When you're anointed you became a target--for Satan and those around you that try to drain you, because--well, they're not in the same place you are. I could relate. The words hit home.

Experimented with more paint. A few strokes of Copper Wire grace my living room wall. It's kinda more orange than I wanted, but a more warmer, inviting orange than the tangerine whatever I had on my hallway wall that now is covered with primer. As for my living room, I can picture the accents I want to go with this version of orange--pillows, etc. So this might be a keeper. .

And the Cowboys play tonight. Hmm. The Giants have absolutely nothing to play for, except feeling good to play in nice climate tonight. While the Cowboys have the season to play for. Tony, Terrell, Jason and the rest, must show they can play as a team and not individual castaways on Gilligan's Island--after all the yuk-yuk stuff of this week. I pray they do. Ease my tension of the game is Blue Bell's Cookies 'n Cream ice cream.

And a cat.

I am blessed.


Anonymous said...

Silent stare ... I like that!

LL aka Lisa-Lin said...

HA! Well--I can only speak the truth. :)

Thoughts of Past Loves

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