Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Something In Common: Oprah and Me

Outside of the fact we’re both Bronze Goddesses and have money in the bank. OK, so she has a few million more than I do-—maybe gazillions more—we both still have money in the bank. Oprah reads books, so back in 1998; I sent her a copy of my self- published book. I hoped she would read it, find it a grand story and want to produce it into play or film. Still haven’t heard from Oprah. Hmm. I’m sure my book remains in the envelope,covered in the rose potpourri I packed it with. See, rose potpourri was a tie into the story---kinda.

So what do Oprah and I have in common? Weight gain. I’m an emotional eater. Oprah might be one too. I just finished a bowl of mixed vegetables with some fake butter and a spot of light salad dressing, for SOME taste. How emotional is that? All in all, I admire Oprah on the admittance of re-gain.

In my case, this time a year ago, I began my quest to own my first house. I was so sure it wouldn’t happen. I barely had 4 quarters to rub together and my credit score was nowhere near 750—75 maybe, but not 750. Then the adventure, of what is my professional life, hit warp speed. Tombstone Supreme pizzas soon became one my bestest friends. Miraculously, my blood checks, because of my taking coumadin, stayed regulated. Staying faithful to my vitamin K intake and daily walks (until I moved—then walks disappeared too) were important to me.

I’d lost 70 pounds. Kept it off for awhile—just like Oprah. Regained 38. Oprah said she was embarrassed. I can so relate. My last doctor’s visit was my a-ha moment. Finally stepped on their scale. Thank goodness, I was at my cardiologist’s office, because I was sure a heart attack was near.

Now what?
Oprah and I know what we have to do. While we talk the talk, gotta walk it too. A couple miles—per day, at least. It’ll get done. However, am I gonna hide away, as I lose the weight, I lost once before? Not buy anything, because I’m not the size I want to be? Not get a new hair-do or whatever, because my face isn’t thin enough? Give up ice cream altogether?

Heck, no. There’s too much life to live and waiting for “When I…” wastes it.

So Oprah, call me if, Gayle is not available some time and you just need to chat.

The adventure begins.

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