Sunday, December 21, 2008

Shortest Day

On my drive back home from church today, I pass right by Texas Stadium. I shook my head and muttered again to myself, "They shoulda won." Movie Man and his best bud were at the game last night. Seems like he's thawed out about now.

Anyway, I'm in for the day. It's barely above freezing. A north wind sweeps my yard, alas the leaves are all ready in big ol' bags await the trash guy on Tuesday.

Today is the shortest day of the year. My dad always said, "The days will get longer now and Spring won't be far behind.'' Sometimes, when he said that, the windchill was 20 below zero, so a song of comfort those words were. Hey, I'm all for longer days. This pitch blackness by 6pm ain't cutting it. And the fact it's about 32 degrees in Dallas now, a frostbite temperature to go with last night's ice cube kinda game. They shoulda won.

Wait a minute, I did get a little 'spring' today. Yep, from my visit to Inspiring Body of Christ Church with Pastor Rickie G. Rush. He continued to speak of anointing. I like how Pastor Rush said people are attracted to your power-. The power you received by God's anointing. You may think you have it, or it may seem so long before you DO have it. Alas, it's all in God's time, and patience needs to be learned. A work in progress.

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