Walmart, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and Donny Osmond--just a few thoughts on each.
Walmart. They're all different. I hate that. The Walmart less than 5 minutes from my bungalow I canNOT stand. I refuse to go there. I had meds refilled their twice and switched to Target. That particular store is so closed in. Don't care how far they roll down prices. I refuse to go--I'll drive the 6 miles to the Walmart closest to my work. It reminds me of the one I frequented when I lived in the my last apartment-open, spacious, inviting. In fact, I had 3 Walmarts in a few miles radius of that apartment. All were different. I stopped at the one most hoitey toitey today after my coumadin check. It has a Dunkin Donuts inside. Originally, they tried to have a 'Kiicks" coffee shop there. Kinda like a Starbucks step cousin. That shut down, hence now Dunkin Donuts. I walked out with a lite latte today. It amazes me, because the folks in that neighborhood said their property values, etc would go down. Yep, so down, all you see are Hummers, BMWs, Mercedes (there was a hot red one I walked in front of) and Lexus' in the parking lot. There's been a grand piano played there too. Walmart. Different.
Rudolph. Once again he'll be on my TV for his annual visit-with Hermey the elf wanna-be dentist. It's horrible to realize I'm older than this Christmas treat. Yet every year, it brings a smile to my face. When I use to count down days to Christmas, bought Faberge cologne for Mom and a Zebco 808 fishing reel for Dad. And when I made sure I left out milk and cookies for Santa and his eight tiny reindeer. Hmm. Come to think of it, some times the glass Santa used smelled just like the glass Dad used after he drank milk--with scotch in it. Rudolph and Hermey --both independent souls in my book
Donny Osmond and his comments on gay marriage. (Click on the link. His comments are toward the bottom)People have asked what I thought. Like would I still like him? Donny spoke what he felt when posed the question on his forum. I respect that. As I hope he would respect my opinion. I am a Christian who knows what the Word says. I also believe God gifts you with free wil. You choose how to use it.
Do I agree with Donny? Nope. Not even close.
No. Don't have a problem stating so, before my spiritual journey and now during the journey. My thoughts, I might add, have ticked off people-especially those I attended church with. I was more shocked on their outcry of gays. I didn't get it, still don't-why it bothers some so much. I missed that memo. Hmm. I realize I may have ticked off more people just now. Well, trust me, it won't be the last time.
And yes, I still like Donny Osmond. Heck, three of my closest friends, that I've known a total of 108 years are Mormon, we don't agree all the time either. Also when Donny and I have a chance to chat over ice cream, we'll not lack for conversation.
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