Friday, December 17, 2010

801 and counting...

Here it is-my blog's 801st post.
This kitty's eyes are wide and curious for what I may say.
Me too.

Today I used up a vacation day and went out to work anyway. It was our Secret Santa day which was planned after I chose this day to be off. It was fun we laughed alot. And I was glad I went for that 90 mins or so. My Secret Santa gave me a gift card good at 4 eateries I frequent-so good!

After that headed off to my real lunch with another chum. We munched bar-b-q. While we wiped the bar-b-q sauce off our mouths, my chum says it seems how I always have a day off. He asks, "Do you have a day off for every other half day you work?'" Witty my chum thought he was.

I replied how I would poke his eye out with my fork.

That's what friends are for, right?

Profound indeed for 801st!


Old Kitty said...

I think this is a brilliant 801st post!! You got a brilliant pic of your gorgeous furrbaby! You had a fab secret santa gift, you had yummy bbq sauce and you had a lovely witty friend for company even if you were tempted to poke his eye out!! Definitely that's what friends are for!

Take care

LL aka Lisa-Lin said...

Kitty--I do love your support. Yea, the friend still has his eye intact! :)


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