Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sunday Check In...

Looks like I was away for another more days than I thought I would be. Sorry about that. I will try to do better. Plus, I'll  follow up with the Donny Osmond story tomorrow....I promise! :)
***In the meantime, today I decided I will pursue my doctorate agree. At my church, Inspiring Body of Christ Church, a member of the 2012 graduation class of high school, certification, associate degree, bachelor's, master's and doctorate, all spoke for a couple minutes. Enlightened and motivated they got me. They gave God all the glory. Forget the part I need to finish my bachelor's  and then my master. However, I know it can be done. Stay tuned.
***And in the few days I've not posted, a little history has been made at the London 2012 Olympics: 
 Gabby Douglas: Gold Medal in the All Around
And she trained in my hometown...!


Old Kitty said...

Wasn't she just brilliant!??! Well done Gabby!!!!

Take care

Cynthia Smith said...

I been feeling the halls of education pulling me too. And I am so proud of Gabby! Wow!

Thoughts of Past Loves

The Holidays are pretty much right here. Yep.  Especially since three Christmas movies, in the last three days, between Lifetime and Ha...