Tuesday, December 28, 2010

December 28, 2008 was Sunday

...and the day my cat Noir started 'his' blog: Noir's Nook.
Yea, it was to be just a lark. I, being the *human* I am,
Had no clue animals had their OWN blogs.
For some reason, I thought Noir would be
One of the few creative cats out there--.
When Noir got a comment from a hamster, I realized
This whole animal blog thing was HUGE.
At first, I wanted Noir to be a feline with opinion-
To chat of world events, TV and such.
The few posts didn't really jell, so visits then to other blogs,
Noir's blog had to be about what he knew--
His life and his family --which included me--for better for worse
And dreams he may have ruling over his savannah-
Noir isn't a world famous feline, yet has chums
All around the world.
Pretty cool technology literally brings the world together!
And remember those postcards I printed up?
Well, Noir decided I should be the one to send one
To any of his world wide chums who want one.
Hmm. It's funny we've not discussed wage of any kind!
On this day two years after Noir started his blog, Noir's Nook
I gander over to the the CEC aka Chief Executive Cat now...

'nuf said!


Raymond and Busby said...

And we're so glad Noir does have a blog! Thanks Tommy!

Old Kitty said...

I am so absolutely thrilled that Handsome Noir started his blog!!! He truly is a great character!! Take care

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