Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Stats Wonder

I love to look at my stats. Not so to see the number of those that read my blog, but from WHERE they read my blog. To see the United States and then Turkey or Sweden. To wonder if it's the same person in California or Europe or Texas that come calling.

Technology is something.

Do they find what they search for on my blog? Heaven knows I've chatted about lots of stuff from being born with one ear, to the death of my parents, to the Presidential election (which I may to comment on stuff going on now), spirituality and to my crush on Donny Osmond.

Always did have a thing for buffets. Choices.

Technology is something.


Admiral Hestorb said...

Mama uses that on her own blog. Not on mine. I'll have to talk to her about that. =^..^=

LL aka Lisa-Lin said...

I like my little stats thing. Granted my cat gets more listings on HIS blog--yet, I"m not hating...too much. :)

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