Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thursday Thought

A chum from Iowa sent me photos of her yard-well, really of all the snow they have. The windchill earlier there was 35 below zero. I just shook my head--and shivered. All are safe and warm.

And to think I use to live there. Born and raised. Been gone from the Midwest since 1988--when I moved to Dallas over the 4th of July holiday. My first intro to Dallas heat. I got use to it tho. Drink lots of water and wear light clothes.

Folk have asked me which I is better--the heat or the cold. Well, with the heat, you're not layered and covered head to to stay warm, like you need to be in the Midwest winter, because you ARE warm. Now, snow does need to happen for Christmas. That was the beauty when I journeyed back to the Midwest for the yuletide. It felt like Christmas.

Then the snow can melt and Spring can hurry up and get here. That's how I felt when I'd get back to Dallas, from the Midwest, and toss my winter coat aside. Not to see again, until the next winter journey to my home state.

So all in all, I'm glad everyone is safe and warm.
And I'm also glad because my cup o' hot chocolate renders of memories of how it was and now how it is...

1 comment:

Sultan said...

Every year I forget how much I hate the cold yet I never move. An unfortunate conundrum.

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