Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year's Eve Eve Eyes Have It

Pink Eye.
And my eyes
Almost do NOT have it...!
Miracle of my $4 drops
I've dripped per doctor's prescription.
Eyeballs do look pretty clear, yet I'll wear the glasses to work one more day.
Pink Eye.
Never had it as a kid. Don't want it again an adult.
And such a way to end up 2009. On this New Year's Eve Eve, with things not at all like I'd want, yet are how I need them to be, I'm gonna dip into the Blue Bell Caramel Turtle Fudge ice cream tonight, since I missed it LAST night.

Stay tuned.


Sultan said...

Turtle Fudge sounds divine.

Admiral Hestorb said...

Ewwww. I got that from my son once upon a time. (pink eye)

Blue Bell is THE best!!! Nummy!

LL aka Lisa-Lin said...

I LOVE me some Blue Bell!!

Anonymous said...

The way you described that turtle fudge ice cream who wouldn't want some. I can taste it now.

LL aka Lisa-Lin said...

Hey, I'll share, and trust me, being an only child, the word 'share' wasn't that high on my Top Ten list--however, if you're nice, I'll give you a cup--maybe! :)

Thoughts of Past Loves

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