Sunday, August 16, 2009

Widdle Down

Got my Praise On at the Inspiring Body of Christ Church today where Pastor Rickie Rush spoke of discontentment. This was from the book of Philippians 4:10-13. How discontentment has nothing to do what's going on around you, however what's going on inside of you. Not to think if you had more money, different job or one thing, you think has to happen to make you happy--is not the way to believe. Being able to feel joy, even when Satan tries to stomp all over you, means to put your trust in God.

I second that emotion. Good sermon. Hit home and once again, as if it was written just for ME!

So now if you will excuse me. Gotta down my 72 ounces of water, haul in a 40 pound of kitty litter, consider to mop the floor (naw!) yet will Rejoice in the rest of this day the Lord has made and I will be glad in it. Oh, and when I stepped on the scale this morning it didn't bust in two. :)

I am blessed.

Cue up Israel Houghton to inform us about "Rejoice!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like that song. Gets our church going with our choir sings it. Praise Him!

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