Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tuesday Toast

....ahh...Almost summer in Dallas. Heck, the heat index 101 degrees today. Gotta love it! As I walked to my car, when I got off of work--the heat pretty much melted me into a pool of chocolate. I knew once I got to the bungalow, wasn't going anywhere--except to feed my backyard birds. Put fresh water out there too. I've decided all the animals I feed--inside and outside--need to get jobs!

And I suppose the Tennessee heat fried the brain of Sherri Goforth, an aide to Sen. Diane Black (R-TN),. Ms. Goforth is now famous for an e-mail sent, as Ms. Goforth, said 'accidentally' to the wrong list of people. An "historical keepsake photo”e-mail, of all 44 US Presidents. The problem was, Ms. Goforth decided to send an e-mail to showcase her own ignorance aka: racism.

In this time of change, some things have not changed at all. What makes me sad, is some folks I know will laugh and say what's the big deal....



Anonymous said...

Interesting on the e-mail, in this day and time.

The New Me said...

I will do my best to refrain from getting out my soapbox on this subject. Suffice it to say that ignorance seems to be what makes America go round.

LL aka Lisa-Lin said...

ahh...it does, doesn't it?

Thoughts of Past Loves

The Holidays are pretty much right here. Yep.  Especially since three Christmas movies, in the last three days, between Lifetime and Ha...