Sunday, June 21, 2009

June 21, 2009 is Father's Day

Big Daddy Don (as a chum called him) has been gone since October 2001. Still so miss the ever King Edward cigar smokin' let's go fishin and then stop and get some ice cream guy! :) I had a habit of sending Dad a good dozen cards on Father's Day-. How that started, I really don't know. Just what I did. And I miss doing that too.

Could go on and on and ON about memories-good and bad-however, I won't. Not right now.

I do picture being back in our house in Iowa with my belly filled with Dad's dee-lish bar-b-q. Dad would situated in his chair, while I sat across from him. The cats (I hauled 750 miles from Dallas) and Dad's hound called a truce and snooze somewhere. With King Edward cigar in his mouth, and ashes sprinkle on his shirt, Dad clicks through channels on the remote.

And then Dad finds the channel that takes us to where we both like to go: Mayberry


I am blessed.

1 comment:

The New Me said...

I just always thought Big daddy Don fit him so well.

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