Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My Birthday...My Bench

My day isn't over yet. Phone still rings with those to add their wishes for a great birthday. Feels quite nice. Even my cats have been good and plus, I'm off again tomorrow...LOVE that!

Most of my day was spent with friends, as will be the rest of the week. In fact, I just came from dining with Movie Man. He looked all spiff in his shirt and slacks-just came straight from work-while me in my shorts, Tazmainian Devil t-shirt and tenny shoes. Perfect pair. :) See, before I met up with Movie Man, I think I did my most fun thing today.

I went for a walk. After all it was National Walking Day--I LOVE being national!--and I walked around the park I spent so much time on. Especially during my recuperation from open-heart surgery, in 2006, when I wondered if I would ever get around it -just once- and not have to sit on one of the benches-before I continued on.

My walk around the park, which is about 20 miles from my house, was my chance to reflect and be grateful. Honestly, I couldn't wait to sit on my Forrest Gump bench. I've missed it. How many times, in the last three years I sat there after my laps? Just to look up to the trees, the sky and talk out loud to God? Then smiled when the wind's kiss rustled thru the trees and carressed my face. I knew I had been heard.

Funny how things change. In yester-decades' birthdays I was always out. Usually partied pretty hard too. I reminded a chum of my 35th birthday where--well...hmm...let's just say, another time another place. A good time was had by all that night and I got home about 4 am. Even at my 40th birthday, some guy tried to tell me how his wife just didn't understand him, and why don't we just take a bath together?

I digress.

The point I'm trying to make, my birthdays have been memorable, some more than others. But these days, there's a small thing that sticks out. And today that was my walk. I walked for my parents and for me. I walked for the fact I was their last chance at a baby after four stillborns. Because of one more try, I'm here. My mom and I stayed in the hospital for almost a month after my birth because she wasn't well enough to go home. I walked for the memory my dad's annual story of how the nurse whisked me past him. I screamed at the top of my lungs while the nurse said, "Don, it's a girl!' and Dad said he just saw all this black hair. And I walked to remember Dad would call me at 4:37 am on each April 8 to wish me Happy Birthday. He's been gone eight years and I still expect that call. I walked because even at this age, my gift is to my parents is to do the best I can. For them. To make them proud. Then my bench gave me rest.

Happy Birthday to ME!

Stay tuned.

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