I stayed home one more day. After my adventures with the 'technicolor yawns' as a chum called it--I do feel much more like me. I didn't even get sick like this when I was sick with that pesky open-heart thing. In fact, I didn't 'yawn' at all then. Incredible. I did get a good sleep this morning and have been awake every since. So I'm on the mend. Also long fo some Blue Bell ice cream, however, I don't have any in my house, which means I'd have to go get some, and well, I'm not at my lovliest, my longing will need to wait until tomorrow.
Today, I've had two seperate visits from Jehovah Witnesses. They've been here before, all women. In fact, one lady remembered my name, from her last visit. With my car out in the driveway, I couldn't have people just knock. I know nothing of Jehovah Witnesses, except a girl, during my grade school years, didn't participate in our Christmas programs, but sat in the audience, and she would also leave the room when we sang The Star Spangled Banner. I've never studied their beliefs. In an apartment I didn't have many, if any, visitors. Now as a homeowner I do. It's like, what do you do?
It's rude to slam the door in their face. They're just trying to spread their Good News, and as a Christian, I'm to do the same thing. OK. So do I listen or just take the Watchtower brochure and say 'Thank You"? Hmm. Just gives pause to ponder. How different are we?
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