I'd journeyed there on Thanksgiving, as my tradition of a few years. So I thought I would get more of the Word--a continuation from Thanksgiving. Sat by a first time visitor who looked at the paint chips I still had in my purse. Good to get another opinion on wall color. I enjoyed the service and even had a few moments to talk to Pastor Rush. Honestly, he's been an acquired taste for me. Before I would have run the other way than wait to share a moment with him.
OK--this entry was gonna be how I used primer over that piece of tangerine orange wall that's blinded me for months. But my paint roller sponge thingy kept falling off the roller part. I'm thinking the sponge thingy was too big for the roller. I need to put on a second coat--or is it 4th? Hey, considering the way I painted!
I was also going to talk about how this weekend went SO fast, and it's all ready time to go back to work. I liked to sleep in. Was gonna talk about a splurge at Jack in the Box and even the photos my cousin sent of her baby sister's 60th birthday. All the cousins I really don't know. Or in one of the pictures the guy, who use to take me to my dancing lessons, go fishing with my dad and was County Sheriff back home, for a lot of years--looked like a werewolf with all that gray hair and then the Donny Osmond quote on gay marriage or how I plan to eat More pun'kin pie to nigh or even mention Tom Arnold. He was on Letterman the other night. Looked a bit gaunt. I didn't know he had heart stints. He's an Iowa Boy. And I recalled seeing Tom do stand-up with gold fish strapped to a plastic motorcycle. Yep--that was SO before Roseanne. Or how I smiled thru the sweet Valentine, here in November, of "Soul Man" with Bernie Mac and Samuel Jackson.
I planned to write about a bunch of stuff. See the cat over there? He waits in a chair by the PC. I get the feeling he asks, "Aren't you done yet? We got some fetch we need to play!"
And we do. Another time for a longer blog entry.
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