OK---just to get it over and done with: Cowboys lose. Big and so very bad. I get out of church, flip on the radio and hear there's about 13 or so minutes left until halftime. Boyz ahead 7-0. Good, I thought. So I run to Wal-mart Grocery and as I zip home. I turn on the radio. Less than two minutes to half time, and the Boyz are behind 21-7. HUH?!?!?!? Sure, sure...sure...Tony Romo was out, but COME ON! The Rams hadn't scored that many points ALL season. During the post game, local sports guy, Randy Galloway asked Jerry "We Are Building a New Stadium that Nobody Can Afford to Attend" Jones if couch Wade Phillips was going to be fired. Jerry, I think said no. That Bill Parcells and even Jimmy Johnson, who went 1-15, had bad games.
Speaking of Jimmy, after the game, in the FOX Studios, Terry Bradshaw said Cowboys need a tough coach. He looks at Jimmy Johnson, and says, "They need you." Gotta tell you, I often wonder, as do thousands in the Cowboy Nation what, woulda shoulda coulda happened if Jimmy had stayed.
They lost. The whole team. I bet Tony plays on that pinky finger next Sunday.
And Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live. I dvr'd this just in case I dozed off. And I did after Josh Brolin and Oliver Stone's plug for "W". Made me think of Josh's dad: Mr. Barbara Streisand aka James, when he was the stud back in the late 60's ,early 70's, on Dr. Welby, MD. He played the brash, young doc who made his way round on a motorcycle. Back to the show: Sure, Sarah Palin proved to be a good sport. Yet, I wanted her to DO something-more than what she did. Kinda disappointed she and Tiny Fey didn't have more interaction. I actually woke up just as "Weekend Update" came on---Amy Pohler's rap was PRICELESS. And she's pregnant out to there. When that moose came on--MY GOODNESS. I still howl. And Sarah smiled throughout. Give her credit--she hung in there. Amy's rap, to me, is the best thing SNL has done in long time. And to think Amy was was born, three years before SNL debuted! PRICELESS.
To 'rap' this all up, Iowa Hawkeys won, as did the Texas Longhorns-which solidifies their #1 ranking. The Cowboys didn't, yet we all won with Amy's performance. At least tonight, I have some Cold Case and Desperate Housewives, plus a short story to finish.
And my iced coffee.
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