The Tropicana was booked, so we had to stay in the Hacienda Hotel. I was bummed about that, yet we did do breakfast at the Trop. After my we dined, a girl came up to me and asked me my name. Turns out, being in the whole pen pal thing at the time--real hand written letters sent through the mail for eight cents-Bonnie had written me to ask if if I wanted to be part of scrapbook she put together for the Osmonds. So I'd sent a note and a picture--and there she was right there in front of me. She was from.Oswego, NY. Anyway, a bunch of girls were outside the restaurant and I wanted to hang to. My dad really wasn't feeling it--however there were some adults there and he gave in--reluctantly. I'm sure the thought of his teen daughter in Las Vegas--alone-was not appealing. Anyway, after I met my first Osmond, Alan and his wife of eight days, Suzanne--I wouldn't have budged--period.
As I got to know the girls around me and saw my first pair of platform shoes--with sequins yet--I realized I wasn't in Iowa anymore. As us girls gabbed everything Osmond--I was amazed how many times some of them had seen the Osmond perform. For me, it was just once--in Des Moines, and tonight would be my second. Felt kinda outcast with concert going and being just one of the two black girls in the midst.
Commotion. Screams. DONNY! Girls crowded him, while the security guard tried to keep us at bay. Just few feet from him I stood. Regained consciousness enough to snap pictures. There is some picture of Donny holding a brush as he talks to a fan. Heaven knows where it is. Did I have some long, in depth chat with Donny, like; "Is purple REALLY your favorite color?"
Naw. In fact, we didn't chat at all. I don't even recall if I got my picture taken with him that day. I don't think I did. The picture came the next day, when that same security guard let us go back stage around 10am. All I remember is I made Donny laugh and I gave him some hat I had. A girl took our picture with my camera, with the hat donned on Donny's head. The picture came our blurry and I was heartsick. No digital in those day--so you know there would be a do-over.
On that first meeting--well, me meeting Donny than he'll ever remember meeting me--butterflies flittered in my tummy. I couldn't believe it. In PERSON! -if only for a moment as the security guard ushered Donny away.
As for the pictures-both are from 1977. The one above, I've shared before. It's from Las Vegas on the the 30th floor of the Hilton. I made Donny laugh again on that day. The one below is from Des Moines-when Donny and his family were on my turf for a concert! Just liked the the picture and
I think Donny was calling me "Crazy" when saw me.

Now if Donny and I met today and I asked for an autograph? We'd both have to pull out our readers to make sure we could see what was going on! Gotta admit--would be fun, and I'm sure I'd make Donny laugh again. Then I was gonna let this day go by without a song--but it is Friday--plus I wrote about Donny Osmond, so why not the song that really made me notice him: The 12th of Never. See, Donny's voice had changed--and I liked it and liked him--finally. Up til then Donny was not my favorite Osmond. :)
I had a ton of Donny posters all over my room! My mom made me take them down. I thought my world was over! Thanks for the post!
Was so in love with Donny Osmond before his voice change :)
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