Friday, May 7, 2010


Not been here in a few days. This new class--the first few days overwhelm me. It started on Tuesday, and I've already completed 4 assignments. I'm getting use to it, but still...! Have realized I hate being bottled up in this room. It's spare room where I have the desktop PC. I do believe either I'll roll the my little desk with PC on top probably to the living room--just so I won't feel so confined! The cats get bored and some nights just ignore me.

Ya know, if you live in a multiple cat house hold and ALL of the multi cats ignore you--too much time is being spent elsewhere.

OK--it''s 10:25pm as I write this. I'm exhausted. I still have to write some paper due tomorrow about something and the effects it has on the swamp planet, Dagobah where Master Yoda lives--OK--not really, but....Hence, the paper's a tomorrow thing--I got until 1am Sunday morning to get it in...

In the meantime, a couple spoonfuls of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla will ease me into sleep.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Old Kitty said...

Oh Thomasina

The minute the cats ignore you it really is time to put aside Master Yoda from Dagobah and time for some Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla!


Good luck with your papers!

Oh and I'm all for finding the right spot/environment/desk space when writing - so good luck with that too!

Take care

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