Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Just a...

Middle of the week thing. Was going to script about females wearing platform shoes again and also how stilettos are the accent to a pair of tight jeans. How something old is new again. How I use to don such high things on my feet--at least three inches and if I could handle four (which I did), I would. Back in the day, I considered anybody who wore flats--that is outside of tennis shoes- was a Grade A 100% loser.

See, I was going to write how I am so the biggest loser these days. How I now traipse around in flats-and I just don't mean tennis shoes-. Let's say I do wear a heel, it's about a half inch or if I'm a girl gone wild-it's a full inch. And even that's not all the time. I'd be so thrown out of the shoe-me club.

Ahh, I'd write how shoe times have changed. How I had a multitude of colors when it came to my Candies. How they were my casual shoe of choice at a time I drank beer for a quarter and wondered if a VCR would ever be a price I could afford.

Instead, I will say I downed my 74 ounces of water today and now cue up Bob Seger's classic, "Hollywood Nights."
'cause it's just a middle of a week thing.


AR said...

well whether it was my browser or your link i couldn't get the video to work, not sure if it's one i've heard or not (yes i know i wasn't in the hip crowd - i listed to my spanish/tejano music mostly with some MJ, Donny, Billy Joel, Pat Benatar, etc. mixed in), but i did have my platforms and slip on candies as well. AR

LL aka Lisa-Lin said...

Ahh--that's too bad! I just clicked on it, and Bob Seger is singing to me now! And you had on you Candies, too? I knew we were simpatico!! :)

The New Me said...

Shoes! Yeah!

They seem to be the one thing I never feel guilty about buying.

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