I do remember in some class we drew posters for Earth Day. And that might have even been the day, my mom drove my best friend and me to school. About two blocks away from the junior high, my best friend and I realized we were suppose to WALK in celebration for Earth Day. So Mom dropped us off and we journeyed the two blocks. Laughed about it too, as 7th grade girls do. .
I do remember two things from that day: A longer walk and Boys.
Since I was in 7th grade, things began to look good. Boys, that is--NOT the longer walk
The entire junior high, which numbered about 300 or so, were released early so we could walk to our town's park for an Earth Day Celebration. Folks spoke how significant the day was and I believe the celebration concluded with a tree being planted.
I stood there, during celebration with hurt feet. Blisters had puffed up on the back of my heels. Plus, the bottom of my shoes were slick, hence I slipped alot on the pavement. Since my best friend and I forgot to walk to school, I hadn't worn better walking shoes. If I stepped just right, I'd slip. A couple times I had to catch myself before I fell.
And boys. The other thing I DO remember. Had such a gi-normus crush one guy! In fact, I've mentioned him in one of these entries. Anyway, as we began our trek home after the celebration, I got so giddy, because the object of my desire walked just steps from me. He and a couple other guys called me by my nickname at the time: Mad Dog (that's another post!). Heaven! True HEAVEN, I was! The guy smiled. So did I. Me: all smug, flirty and show off.
Right up to the moment I slid and the pavement introduced itself to my butt.
The object of my desire laughed. My best friend laughed. And I tried to laugh it off. Yet secretly happy I wore culottes (you're 'seasoned' if you know what they are!)instead of a skirt when I hit the skid.
After all these years, I may still have a teeny scar from that fall. I could have broken my leg for all I cared, because the object of my desire flashed the biggest smile and I just knew it would be the start of something BIG!
OK. So it wasn't until 20th High School Reunion before our first ever date.
I digress.
Trees take their time too.
Take care of our Earth. It's the only one we've got.
I snapped this picture in 1972. Alot of Earth's great gifts!
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