Saturday, November 8, 2008


Wrote a poem today. Chums that know me just coughed and tried to catch their breath. See, I ain't a poet. Nope. Not no way. Not know how. A couple chums say I have a knack for it. I say, I feel good if the stuff rhymes. However, another chum who teaches college English tells me poetry isn't all about the rhyme.

Anyhoo, another chum, Zette, invited me to a Barack Obama Celebration. An afternoon of fun, food and fellowship at one of her in-laws' home. Which just was less than two miles from my bungalow. We could make a speech or read a poem while there. So I wrote my poem this morning and finished it at 12:30 this afternoon. Cats and a bowl of Cheerios with banana kept me happy. The title? "This Day" which I thought up as the celebration's hostess introduced me.

To say I was humbled to hear applause when I finished is an understatement. I've not read any poetry (which totals 2 poems) outside of my writer/critique group. I knew one person there today--Zette, so the other 40 or so became my new best friends. In fact, the caterer guy hooked me up with as much peach cobbler as I could take. And a man, who is a teacher asked me what I was going to do with "This Day" and how I was using my gift.

I just wanted peach cobbler, yet I realized God sends as many angels necessary and in many forms.

Maybe Tomorrow, one of my favorite songs, from the early 70's-maybe then I'll know more what the path God has in mind--in the meantime, let's hear alittle Jackson 5, when--well, they were the Jackson 5, before Thriller, before Bubbles, before plastic surgery

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