Saturday, August 27, 2011

August 27, 1974 was Monday

...and the 1st day of school. I was a junior in high school. In my eyes, I'm sure I wondered how it would feel a year from that day when I began my senior year. However, I had to get thru the year and more precisely, this first day.

I have a diary. That's how I knew today was the 1st day of school. I was adamant of writing in it daily. On this particular I had two things on my mind:the guy I had a big ol' crush on at the time and abig ol' afro wig I wasn't sure I was gonna wear or not*****The guy. Well, my thing with him was, he really didn't know I was alive. When he realized I was, he'd flip me the bird. Yea, true love at its finest. My diary told me I kept tally of how many times I saw this guy 'round town. Seen him like 92 times. Small town, so we 'shagged the drag' to see folks. He might wave or just ignore. When he waved, I went nuts and my posse would yelp right along with me. Oh, and my shag mobile? A ''63 blue Chevy. The guy, wound up marrying a girl, I didn't even knew he knew. Well, considering her really didn't me...anyway, I think they had about 5 kids or so. Never told the guy how much I loved him. Yet, to this day, I do remember his license plate number: 13986*****.The afro wig. Yea. Well, my cousin, who I absolutely idolized. She was 3 years older than me, introduced me to wigs. I thought Cousin just knew everything! The auburn, as big as the state of Iowa sized wig, wasn't close to my natural hair color. My natural hair didn't quite afro that big either. I wanted to be cool like Cousin, who did reside in the big, bad Phoenix, Arizona. Cousin lived where the action was, even tho up til a couple years prior, she lived in her hometown of Des Moines, Iowa, which wasn't as big,bad as Phoenix. I just knew my Cousin would steer me right on the hair of choice...*****So on that 1st day of my junior year in high school, I was bummed because I hadn't seen the guy. Turns out he worked in the mornings, and came to school about noon. I was thrilled and filled with glee when I finally spotted him. He, of course, was oblivious to my excitement. And then I had to think about the wig.*****Flash forward to 2011. Ironic now, I wear my hair natural. I don't think it so much an afro, I have loose, fly in the breeze curls --well, when I put the right combo of product on my hair. In 1974, all I needed to do was situate an afro wig on my head. Should I or shouldn't I? Would the guy do more than just ignore and/or flip me the finger?

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Old Kitty said...

Oh the joys (not!) of unrequited love!!! It's so good that you've kept and are keeping your diaries. And yay for wearing your hair natural these days! Of course I'm staying tuned! Take care

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